Our success is shaped by a close collaboration
amongst our business lines and reputable
business partners.

Our World, Our Responsibility.
We are committed to making a positive contribution to the environment. We ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations and implement green initiatives with our employees and business partners in order to establish an environmentally friendly enterprise.

Waste Management
To prevent harm to the environment and local communities, we dispose of wastes and effluents in a safe, responsible manner pertinent to regulations. We are committed to meeting legal requirements, reduce the environmental impact of our activities, and ensure the health and safety of the communities in which we operate. Our businesses adhere to local waste management regulatory requirements.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Our businesses also employ Reduce, Reuse and Recycle methods to minimize the generation of waste. A significant number of our business units are recycling materials such as metal, batteries, woods, paper, plastics and waste oil.
We will continue to monitor and assess opportunities for reduction of waste, while continuing to implement waste reduction activities across the two Divisions.